
“Technology: The study of techniques. Science of studying and interpreting the combined or distinct attributes of individual techniques. Implies a systematic control of minute and distinguishable detail" (Crabtree 1982., 50).

“Using the technological approach, "lithic artifact are no longer exclusively considered as more or less ´characteristic´ objects to be described and classified. Instead these artifacts are also seen as evidence of human behavior in its technical, economic, and even social dimensions. Thus, the technological approach...overcomes...the classic dilemma of "culture versus function" posed by each tool" (Pelegrin 1990, 116).
The graphic illustrates the types of fracture resulting from a mechanical blow delivered to a small area - the point of impact or point of percussion.

tech1 At a light blow has produced a crack which only penetrates a small distance. ​ The stronger the blow the further the conical fracture penetrates, until finally the detached cone falls away . The ideal cone fracture is very difficult to achieve and is very rarely found. ​ ​ The normal case of mechanic fracture, both in intentionally worked material and in natural breakage, is the detachment of a flake from the side of a block. In intentionally struck material this block is called a core and can be made from a variety of different materials of which flint, chert, quartz, quartzite, obsidian, jasper, mudstone and rock crystal are some of the more common types. ”